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ATHSTAT is the official data analytics provider for the 2023 Tropical 7s athlete combine

We are pleased to announce that Athstat has been chosen to provide data analytics for the 2023 Tropical 7s athlete combine, which will take place on the 6th of April. It’s a pleasure to support this event, bringing our data analytics expertise to help athletes, coaches and recruiters.

Tropical 7s - one of the world's leading youth rugby tournaments

Tropical 7s is well known for organizing rugby tournaments in Florida, bringing school and university-age teams together for a unique moment. Tropical 7s is organizing an athlete combine - a set of standardized physical tests - on April 6th, focusing on the most critical exercises for rugby sevens players.  A great opportunity for athletes and teams to assess their performance, but also for recruiters to detect promising talents.

Athstat to provide near-real time results for athletes, coaches and recruiters

Athstat will play a great role in this combine, as our team will provide participants with near real-time results and live leaderboards across the different Combine assessments, directly through Athstat web platform. A true added-value to follow with precision all tests during the event and allow athletes to compare themselves.

“We are excited to announce ATHSTAT as the data analytics provider to our Athlete Combine and strongly believe their platform will add value not only to the experience of the athletes but also to participating team coaches, official recruiters to the tournament and other selectors who also have an interest in the Combine results. We are very happy to partner with ATHSTAT and showcase some of their services to the Tropical 7s rugby community.”  – John Siner, Tropical 7s Executive Director.

Photo: @Tropical7s


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