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Everything you need to know about Athstat release 2.0

Since we launched our data and analytics management platform in 2021, we kept on improving it, adding new features and capabilities, making sure to include our customers’ feedback. With Athstat V2.0, discover enhanced analytical tools, the possibility to share data across teams, and AI-powered predictive modeling capabilities. Our V2.0 also offers access to multiple world-class online training, allowing teams to develop their sports analytics skills.

All data into one single platform

This new release's main goal is to offer a consolidated analytical solution for customers to not only improve their performance, but also to make data-driven decisions. Athstat v2.0 enables the collection of data from different sources - GPS data, video metadata, strength and conditioning data, weather data and more. Teams can send and keep their information into a unique data storage location and share them inside their team.

A platform with several modules for data-driven decisions

Athstat cloud-based data management and analytics platform allows athletes, teams, coaches and sports analysts to store and analyze their data into a single location. Four other modules are available, to go further in sports analytics and reach higher performance:

  • Analytics : Big data tools to quickly ingest and analyze data, directly through the user interface or connection through Athstat API Hub.
  • Pitchside : A web app to create seasons, games and manage roasters. Upload data and keep track of scores.
  • Data sharing : A workflow platform to share artifacts with players and analysts. It allows users to keep a catalog of data and analytical artifacts for each player.
  • U: This module is dedicated to training. Create customized exercises for your team, and follow online training to master analytics, coding and data visualization !

Athstat V2.0 has been featured on Prfire!


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